Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists provide individual PT sessions personalized to you and your goals. This includes resolving urinary, bowel, pain and sexual health concerns as well as wellness sessions to prevent injury and ensure safe recovery and return to desired activities.

Aleesia Isom is a physical therapist who completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth. She discovered her passion to specialize in pelvic floor dysfunctions through her own personal struggles with pelvic health and seeing a great need for pelvic health therapists during her clinical rotations. Aleesia is motivated to provide exceptional pelvic physical therapy to all her patients through patient-centered care with one-on-one sessions, treating with evidence-based practice, and striving to be a lifelong learner.

In her free time, Aleesia enjoys taking her two Australian Shepherd Mixes (Boots and Sneakers) out for walks along the trail, she enjoys traveling to new cities with friends, and running marathons around the world.

Aleesia Isom is a physical therapist who completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the Unive... Read More

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The Fit Pelvis-Sherman
Located at: 1800 Teague Dr, 522, Sherman
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