Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists provide individual PT sessions personalized to you and your goals. This includes resolving urinary, bowel, pain and sexual health concerns as well as wellness sessions to prevent injury and ensure safe recovery and return to desired activities.

Morgan Basile is a physical therapist who completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in her hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. Morgan has a passion for treating a wide variety of diagnoses from orthopedic injuries to abdominopelvic dysfunction to those who suffer from chronic headaches and neck pain. Morgan has an interest in treating all those who suffer from these symptoms, especially runners. Morgan finds joy in investing in patients with one-on-one care to return them to their desired level of fitness. She believes in meeting her patients where they are at and employing a combination of manual therapy, functional dry needling, and functional re-training and stabilization treatments in an individualized way to help them meet their goals.

Outside of the clinic Morgan loves to stay healthy by doing yoga, pilates, running, hiking, traveling and spending time with friends and family.

Morgan Basile is a physical therapist who completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in her home... Read More

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